
Goodbye to Good Job and Way to Go

I want to be clear that using the praise phrases listed on this chart are a great start, but they’re simply not enough. NOT ENOUGH? NOT ENOUGH? How can that be…? What about all those trophies they’ve received? What about all those times I’ve bought them a treat? What about all those times I’ve told […]

Play it Safe

Your number one house rule should be “We are Safe”. This is the one way to make sure that no one gets hurt or humiliated. This means that adults will not hurt or humiliate a child and children will follow suit. It also means that they will make choices that are safe. Of course being […]

The Rule of Thumb When Making Rules…

                               Children as young as three can think things through using the statements… “If … Then…”  This is called the age of reason where they can judge what might happen next if they choose certain behaviors.  This means at this early age, we can already guide our children to take on the job of regulating […]