self reflection

christmas rabbit
A Constant Mess…

A friend of ours is a writer.  He is doing a piece on Love and asked Toby and I to contribute our own perspectives on: What is Love?  Getting this question posed to us at this season of Christmas has been a true blessing because it has allowed us to see the connections between the […]

carrot seed
How to Have A Child in Bloom

How to Have a Child in Bloom The Carrot Seed by Ruth Krauss is one of my favorite books to share with children especially at springtime.      This book is a lesson in faith, hope, patience and care.  The boy in the book has faith that the seeds he has planted will eventually sprout.  Patiently he waits as everyone around […]

Give your family some legs to stand upon…

If you read my Mealtimes Matter passage from my August Newsletter, then you know how important I think it is for families to gather around a table whether it be for breakfast, lunch or dinner. Call it my soapbox, but I have a few more ideas on how we solidify our families. These essential things […]

Play it Safe

Your number one house rule should be “We are Safe”. This is the one way to make sure that no one gets hurt or humiliated. This means that adults will not hurt or humiliate a child and children will follow suit. It also means that they will make choices that are safe. Of course being […]

Who Tells The Stories

“Whoever tells the stories defines the culture.”  David Walsh PhD… Author of NO : why kids of all ages need to hear it and ways parents can say it. Who is the primary storyteller in your family? Is it your television? Is it your child’s phone, iPad or video games Is it another adult or […]