Message for Moms

It is your day! Celebrate… Acknowledge…Forgive…Remember Celebrate the fact that you don’t have to be perfect at parenting.  Celebrate by finding your own inner kid…  Laugh !  Leap !  and  Learn! with your children. Acknowledge the sacrifices you have made to make your child’s life more complete. Acknowledge the smallest things you do daily to […]

Better things to do…

Better things to do…I was recently next to a parent when I heard them tell their child “I’ve got better things to do than to help you with your homework all day.”  The parent and child were at an indoor sporting facility attempting to work through homework while they waited for a sibling to finish […]

Imagine … “Me Last”

The following phrases are normal responses from your toddler, preschooler or maybe even your grade school child. “I want to be the boss!” “I want the best toy!” “I don’t like to share!” “I get the biggest cookie!” “ME FIRST!”

Chugga Chugga Change

The following was a favorite rhyme around our house when our two oldest children were still into reading board books.  It’s gone by now, and we are onto Harry Potter and Diary of a Wimpy Kid, but the rhyme rings true to me as I think about the rhythm of life with kids in tow. Train chugs… clickety […]

How does a child bloom?

 Sprinkle seeds of love (a love that lasts “No Matter What”). Ground them with roots of understanding ( that allows each child to have their unique strengths, interests, and needs met). Provide warmth (that surrounds the child in comfort and trust). Provide water and safety (that cleanses the dirt and harm away). Let the growth […]

How Does a Parent Bloom…

Sprinkle their lives with resources (books, websites, people, and tools) that positively support their mission as a parent. Ground them in roots that connect to the values and expectations they have in their heart. Surround them with people who have similar values, interests, needs and strengths and who can support their parenting cause. Provide them […]

No Easy Button…

Do you every have parenting moments when you feel like you made a split decision and for whatever reason it worked.  You walk away dumbfounded…You didn’t plan ahead, you didn’t think it all through, you simply went on your instinct and it worked!  “That was Easy,” you say, and you think to yourself, “Hmm?  Why […]